Deutsche Fleck

Black and White Tobiano
Spotted Saddle
Color Genetics
Health Genetics
Birth Month/Year
Registry Number
PSSM1 Negative, FIS Negative
June 2012
Not registered
This is Fleck (HF Deutsche Fleck). Fleck is our all-around best riding horse on the farm. She's the only horse we have that has been shown while in our care, and she has ribbons from local events in gaited and racking events. She's a Tennessee Walking Horse, and she's also technically qualified as a Spotted Saddle Horse (SSH). Her second photo on this post is fairly close to the time that we acquired her over five years ago.
In June of 2021, she gave us a solid blue roan Tennessee Walking Horse filly named HF Fleck's Circling Girl ("Circle" - the last photo on this post).
Fleck is the undisputed queen of our entire farm. She is quite likely the most intelligent horse we own, but on the flip side, she's also the bossiest and most dominant to our other equine. She requires a rider that is not too green, because she will take advantage of inexperience. She's one of the few horses that we ride that will always take the time to back up and walk around low hanging tree branches and other obstacles so that they do not hit her rider.
She's also very in-tune with human emotions. She has a forever home as our first well-loved equine on our farm in Tennessee. She wanders our 50+ acres with her two companion Tennessee Walking horses and her best buddy, our miniature mule, Pete.