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Comanche Rose



Quarter Horse


Color Genetics


Health Genetics

Birth Month/Year


Registry Number

PSSM1 Negative, FIS Negative

February 2019


Not registered

Spears Kool Girl (AQH 5262701)

STFN Black Buck (AQH 5734365)

Spears Kool Girl (AQH 5262701)
STFN Black Buck (AQH 5734365)



This was the horse that we named Comanche Rose.

Comanche was acquired as a weanling alongside her dam at a local auction.  She was a grullo quarter horse filly.  Comanche was one of the sweetest non-Gypsy Horses we've ever owned.  She spent most of her days wandering our acreage with her dam, the Tennessee Walking Horses, and our miniature mule, Pete.

After we had discovered Gypsy Horses and decided that it was the direction we wanted to go, we found Comanche a new owner in West Virginia that adored her.

We were new to different horses and different breeds early on, and, looking back, we didn't really know what it was that we had in Comanche.  If we had decided to go the direction of quarter horses, Comanche would have been one of the jewels in the crown of our operation.

The last that we had heard, her owner had re-homed her to a new owner in Kentucky.  We're certain that wherever she ended up, she is absolutely loved by her current owner.  Such a sweet and willing horse is bound to find a good, long-term soft landing somewhere.

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