Sum Kinda Poison

Solid Black
Tennessee Walking Horse
Health Genetics
Birth Month/Year
PSSM1 Negative, FIS Negative
May 2013
Registry Number
TWH-BEA 21301070
Sky's Sum Kinda Lady (TWH-BEA 20307049)
Poison (TWH-BEA 920315)
Color Genetics
This is "Sum Kinda Poison." We call him Poison. He's the final of our four non-Gypsy Vanner horses that wander our property, and he's a Tennessee Walking Horse (fully papered). He's the only gelding on our farm, and we totally understand how other people feel about geldings because of his friendly, goofy personality. I sometimes describe him as Scooby Doo if Scooby Doo were a horse. He'll do anything for a Scooby Snack. His facial expressions and ears are so highly emotive.
Poison is Fleck's most constant companion. Even when our miniature mule, Pete, has escaped our property and is eating the neighbor's cabbages, Poison is always by Fleck's side.
Poison is able to be ridden, but he's the least comfortable ride on our farm. Unknown to us at the time of purchase, he has a condition called stringhalt. He has a little bit of a pop in both of his back legs when he walks. We've conferred with several veterinarians about this and the consensus is that there is such a high chance of corrective surgery making him permanently lame, we just decided to keep him as a pasture pet as is, and he hasn't been ridden in several years. The condition doesn't hurt him. He just looks odd when walking slowly. At a canter or gallop, you can't tell he has issues with his legs. Key to ongoing health is backing exercises and keeping his weight level under control.
Poison is also high spirited when saddled and mounted. Once you're on him, he wants to go, go, go. That combined with stringhalt and our hilly terrain, riding him always feels like you're about to go end over end on him when going downhill. Going downhill on him feels like he is tripping the whole way down. One of our relatives affectionately refers to him as "Twitch."
Poison has a special place in our hearts due to his calm and sweet nature, and he's not going anywhere other than our fields for the rest of his life. He's going to live his best life ever with Fleck, Pete, and Pearl, who we collectively call, "The Walkers."